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Tara Heaven on Earth

From: surendra
Sent on: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 8:25 AM
Dedicated to Celtic Elders
[There is a great divine force that directs me to work and write. The divine force is the blessings of the Celtic Elders. I touch their feet and take their blessings before I begin.]
[Motto: a) Spread the feeling of brotherhood amongst the Celts, Pagans and the Indians b) Celts and Pagans to feel India, their home c) Indians to respect the Celtic and Pagan elders, as Saints and organize their visits to India d) Save the ancient Celtic and Pagan literature and sites]
This is a save “Tara, Ireland”, campaign by Celts, Pagans,
I have had the blessings of many Druid elders who have been guiding and motivating me. I decided to take a pilgrimage to the places that I understood, were of great importance to the Celts and Pagans, and me too. I had made visit to places in Brittney when I first met Druids. The visit to Brittney transformed my life and I found great changes in my life.
I along with my wife decided to visit the other places of Celtic interest and took a circuitous rout to see places. I am aware of the fact that pilgrimage sites in India are of great importance for all Hindus. The ancestors did tell us that one should visit these places. Earlier times the village folks in group would set out for pilgrimage to most of these places. There was a firm belief that those who visit the four of these most important pilgrimage places would make it to heaven. These are the “Char Dhams of Hindus”, the four abodes / seats. Char means four and Dham means the sacred places of Dharma. Even today people visit these four sacred places of worships. These places are Badrinath, Dwarka, Jagannath Puri and Rameshwaram. They are in four different directions of the country. There were no faster means to travel and therefore they would go on foot or on horseback or may be on bullock carts or chariots and also face many hardships, pass through deep forests, encounter looters and dacoits and also had to go through many Kingdoms. It was uncertain to return back home safe and sound. Many would die during the pilgrimage due to ill health. It was an important part of once life and therefore there were feasts before they departed and they would be escorted to far distances by close family members and so were celebrations on their safe return. The traditions still continues in India although the journey is faster and safer. I even today see the elders eager enough to be taken on pilgrimages by their sons. This concept of visiting Char Dham gave every Hindu the feeling of oneness in-spite of many languages, beliefs and Kingdoms. There were many Kingdoms but; it was the duty of every King to protect the people who were on a pilgrimage irrespective of their domicile as per Hindu Dharma.
My announcement of pilgrimage to the Celtic sites came much as a surprise to most of my family members. They never ever heard of worship places in Europe. The places that I had in mind were Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Iona, Anglesey and others were Tara, New grange and also to Isles of Man. We were lucky enough to cover all except Isles of Man. Also we decided to meet and take the blessings of as many Elders as possible. We were lucky enough to get the blessings of Druid / Celt / Pagan Elders where ever we went. They all made us feel at home. This article is on Tara in Meath County in Ireland the sacred place for all.   
The Druid Elders of Ireland explained me the importance of “Sacred Tara”. They were kind enough to give me a calendar that would determine the festival time, giving the various positions of the Sun God with stars and the alignments with the sacred places of worships in Ireland. This was amazing and interesting.
“Tara” is a beautiful place on a mound with lush green grass covering many hectors of land. It was the seat of sacred thrown and the ruler of Tara was the ruler of Ireland. This belief continued for many centuries. The stone at top of Tara mound appears as
”Shiva Ling” to Hindus. There had been no explanation to the beautiful stone placed at top of the mould but it symbolizes Tara. There used to be ceremonies and rituals for the Druids and the Kings. There is a tree of fairies where people tie ribbons and cloths for their wishes. There used to be King’s palace close by. There are sacred wells around and people throw coins for their wishes.
The Druid Elders mentioned that “Tara” though was the sacred seat of the Kings of Ireland but virtually it was the sacred place of living for the Druids only. It was a place where the Druids not only lived but had their own authority and the King had no say in what so ever manner in the administration of the town. No rule of the land applied to them, other than the ones of the Druids them selves. Druids perform many ceremonies at “Tara” even today.
The Heaven on Earth
Abode of Lord Lu & Indra
A sacred “Dham” for Hindus
The most important amongst the legendary rulers of “Tara” was the High King “Lu” who has many mythological tales.
In Sanskrit “Lu” means God Indra, the lord of pantheons? The word “Lu” one can find in Sanskrit dictionary as Lord Indra. He was the most worshiped God during Vedic times.
Why “Lu” is also called Lugh? 
The “Oak” tree is a sacred tree of the Druids and “Oak” means the “Father of the trees”. In Sanskrit Oak is pronounced as “Agh”. The difference is not in pronunciation but mainly because of the Roman – English letters. “Agh” in Sanskrit means the “Original Tree”. Therefore “Oak” and “Agh” means the same. In Christianity the same word has been written little differently as “Ankh”, though it has almost similar meaning.
There are names of different species of the trees in Sanskrit that have been derived from “Agh”.  The tree “Oak” / “Agh” / “Ankh” symbolizes creation. The God “Lu” is also the God of the tree “Oak” / “Agh”. Therefore “Lu” + “Agh” means the God “Lugh”. In Sanskrit also Lugh means God. Therefore Lugh is also a Sanskrit / Hindi word and it means God. . Therefore “Lu” and Indra are same.
How Lugh is God for Hindus ?
There are many examples to say that Lugh means God for Hindus. The following are few examples:
a.       There are many Hindu Gods and Goddess whose name begins with Lugh. Like for Celts the festival of Lugnasa / Lugasad is for the God Lugh. Similarly Hindu god with Lugh is Indra and called Leekarshabh or (Leek or Lek or lugh + Arshab). Indra, the Indian Zeus, is a grand mythical figure. According to the Vedas (Indian Scripture), Indra is the Ruler of the Hindu Pantheon. He is also known as Sakra ("Powerful"), Vajri ("the Thunderer"), Purandara ("Destroyer of Cities"), Meghavahana ("Rider of the Clouds"), and Swargapati ("the Lord of Heaven"). Similarly Lagnadipati (Lug + An + Adi + Pati) means Ascendant Lord. There are many more such names which will be covered in subsequent articles.
b.      On my visit to Ireland I was fortunate enough to attend the Lughnasadh ceremony with the Druid Elders. During the ceremony the Druid Elder chanted mantras and invited the Gods, Goddesses and the ancestors to bless. It appeared to me as if I was attending a Hindu ritual ceremony. I felt comfortable and was very happy. It was a sacred ceremony. I and my wife were fortunate enough to be included for the ceremony. Similar ceremonies are performed by Hindus. The name of the marriage time is called Lagan. We may write it as Lug (An). Lag (An) is the most auspicious time for the Hindu marriage and it is carefully chosen by the astrologer (Pandits /Shamans), and it is the most ideal time when maximum Gods and Goddesses are called and will be present to bless the couple during the marriage ceremony. The couple conducts seven circuits of the Holy Fire (Agni), which is considered a witness to the vows they make to each other. Agni, god of fire acts as the divine model for the priest. Agni (Fire God) is the messenger who carries the message from humans to the gods, bringing the gods to marriage place, and intercedes between gods and humans. This is exactly similar to the Lughnasadh ceremony in terms of inviting the Gods and Goddesses to the place of worship or ceremony.             
What are the similarities between “Lu” and “Indra”?
a.       “Lu”
a.       Name : is Lugh
b.      “Lu” as God: is an Irish deity represented in mythological texts as a hero and High King of the distant past. He is a reflex of the pan-Celtic god Lugus, and his Welsh counterpart is Lleu Llaw Gyffes, "The Bright One with the Strong Hand". Lughnasadh itself is a celebration of Lugh's triumph over the spirits of the Other World who had tried to keep the harvest for themselves.
c.       God of thunder and rain and a great warrior : Lugh's name was formerly interpreted as "flashing light", a sun god and a storm god:
d.      Skilled in many arts: Lu had mastery of all arts made him described as the "inventor of all the arts". 
e.       Lu’s weapons and armory:  He is known as Lamhfhada meaning "long arm" , for his skill with a spear or sling. He had a magic spear (named Areadbhar)
f.       Lord of Rainbow: Lugh’s sling rod was the rainbow and the Milky Way which was called "Lugh's Chain".
g.      Trickster: He appears in folklore as a trickster.
b.      “Indra”
a.       Name : “lugh” is “Lu” and “Lu” means “Indra” in Sanskrit
b.      Indra as God : Indra is the King of the demi-gods In the Rig Veda,  Indra is the king of the gods and ruler of the heavens. He leads the Deva (the gods who form and maintain Heaven) and the elements, such as Agni (Fire), Varuna (Water) and Surya (Sun), and constantly wages war against the opponents of the gods, the demon-like Asuras.
c.       God of thunder and rain and a great warrior: Indra is the god of thunder and rain and a great warrior, a symbol of courage and strength. As the god of war, he is also regarded as one of the Guardians of the directions, representing the East.
d.      Skilled in many arts:  Indra is celebrated as a demiurge that pushes up the sky, releases dawn. He under whose supreme control are horses, all chariots, the villages, and cattle;
e.       Indra’s weapons and armory :  Indra's weapon, which he used to kill Vritra, is the Vajra, though he also uses a bow, a net, and a hook. In the post-Vedic period, he rides a large, four-tusked white elephant called Airavata. He rides a chariot pulled by four horses capable of traversing through the air.  When portrayed having four arms, he has lances in two of his hands which resemble elephant goads. When he is shown to have two, he holds the Vajra and a bow. He lives in Svarg (Heaven). 
f.       Lord of Rainbow: In Hindu mythology, the rainbow is called "Indradhanush”, meaning the bow of Indra, the God of lightning, thunder and rain.
g.      Trickster: Indra also appears as a trickster in many of mythological folklores.
Conclusion: -
We find all the similarities between God “Lu”, “Lugh” and “Indra”. The God “Indra” lives in heaven and so does the God “Lugh” and “Lu”. The place of the High King “Lu” is “Tara” and therefore “Tara” is heaven and it is heaven on Earth and it is also the most sacred city of the Druids.
“Let us save Tara”
“The Heaven on Earth”
This article is dedicated to all those who are determined to save “Tara”, “The Heaven on Earth”
“Spirituality is beyond religion, Help us save Tara”
Always invite a Celtic Elder for a feast, to know more on Tara and take their blessings as well.
Surendra N. Mathur
(Please forward this mail to as many people as possible and also to the authorities)

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