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Hastily Scheduled Meetup is at 9:30 seriously not 7, and other important Dr. Who announcements for the next several days

From: Jonathon P.
Sent on: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 11:21 PM
The Meetup at my house this Saturday to watch the new Doctor Who is at 9:30pm, so ignore the part where it says another time...that was a glitch maybe.

Does anyone have a Doctor Who necktie (not bow tie) I can borrow?

If you are on the KOTWG list, you already received the message below, so feel free to ignore. 

A lot of Dr. Who stuff and sci-fi in general, this Friday through Monday! Most of this announced before, but here are some more details.
  • ConBust overall is Friday through Sunday (Dr. Who stuff on Saturday)
  • Dr. Who Meetup, Sci-Fi Meetup, panels, burlesque etc. at ConBust!
  • New Dr. Who episode comes out on Saturday. 
  • Jon Pertwee documentary and episode on Sunday.
  • British Sci-Fi Night at Popcorn Noir, this Monday
There's a lot to do at the 11th Annual ConBust at Smith College (Seelye Hall) in Northampton. Here's a list just of sci-fi talks and workshops: 50 Years of Doctor Who, Anthropology in Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Classic Sci-Fi, Gender Bending in Sci-Fi and Fantasy, I Want to Believe: The Cases Behind the X-Files, Serenity Found: Firefly and the Browncoats Fandom, Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy, How to Be An Evil Overlord, The Women of Doctor Who, Race in Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Religion in Sci-fi/Fantasy.

These things on Saturday at ConBust may be of particular interest:
  • 11am "Women of Dr. Who"
  • 1pm "50th Anniversary of Dr. Who"
  • 2:30pm Dr. Who Club Meetup (meet in front of Seelye)
  • 3pm "Firefly"
  • 6pm Western MA Sci-Fi Meetup: Meet and Greet. Pizza Amore, 18 Green St. (Across from Seelye)
  • 8pm burlesque (18+) 
  • There will also be screenings
Jonathon Podolsky