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Details for Annual Doctor Who Event

From: Jonathon P.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 8:57 PM

I have new details for the Annual Doctor Who event in Worcester and am wondering who would be up for a road trip! Perhaps we could carpool from Northampton. By the way, our sister group that I created for Central MA has 8 people who have RSVPd so far. 

Currently I have a meetup scheduled for later that day back in Northampton but I may adjust the start time on that. Please let me know your feedback. 


Annual DOCTOR WHO celebration at Annie's Book Stop of Worcester- Nov 21 - just in time for the winter holidays! Join us for this fun-filled day at the little bookstore that's bigger on the inside.

3pm: New Who Trivia contest. This concentrates on Doctor Who episodes broadcast between 1996 (TV movie) and the current series (2005 till now). 

5pm: Costume contest (costumes also encouraged throughout the day).

6pm: Classic Who Trivia Contest. This will be more challenging than the earlier contest and will focus on Classic Who episodes which aired between 1963 and 1989.

Prizes throughout the day will total a combined suggested retail value well in excess of $1000. Persons attending are eligible for only one contest prize in the calendar year. No substitution of prizes permitted.

ONE DAY SALE: 10% off DOCTOR WHO audio dramas, 20% off on all magazines, 70% off on selected BLAKE’S 7 audio titles from B7 Media.

Sign up for these contests may be done in person at this store or by e-mail at [address removed]

Curious about the store? Here is an article about Annie's Book Stop of Worcester

Picture above is by Crystal L. Woods and used with permission.