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What we’re about

Tired of talking about the weather, food and traffic? Isn’t there more to life?
Originally started in Scotland, "Philosophy For All" aims to be a vibrant, global forum for discussing philosophy, life, science, art and thought. We are an all age group dedicated to exchanging ideas, having fun and expanding the limits of our perceptions.
Our ethos = Be excellent to each other. Listen actively. Test ideas and be open to learn something new. And have fun and try your best.
All you need is an open mind and a curious heart!
*** ***
Some info about the group size: The group has a limit of 50 members. With a lot of interest in this group, we have to be quite strict with the admission criteria. If you're member of more than 7 Groups already or choose to hide your group memberships, we might not be able to admit you.
We also review the member list and might have to remove Members who have not been actively participating for a while (usually >2-6 months of inactivity). We're sorry about that, but we feel this is just fair to the people who like to join us.
In both cases feel free to apply again, if your circumstances have changed. Thanks for your understanding.

Upcoming events (4+)

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