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What we’re about

We all join groups and have the best of intentions of turning up. We tell ourselves tomorrow I will "start" or "stop" whatever it is we have always wanted to do to make our life better. But why not start now, this minute.
If we don't push ourselves through fear, we stagnate. We complain that life never changes, we watch it passing us by, as one day roles into the next and we find ourselves a year from now doing the same things, repeating the same patterns and wondering "Why am I not any nearer to that dream job, new home, promotion or holiday I have always promised myself "
You can change that right now, this minute, by joining me, Thursday evenings at 7.30 on Zoom. Where you will learn how to relax and allow the Angelic realm work with you and help you to discover your authentic self. To stay accountable, when taking those small steps, that will make the change you have always wanted to make. You will be heard, encouraged and part of a group, who support each other, through good times, and times when life is a little harder, and more challenging.
We are a family of likeminded souls encouraging and supporting each other through life's amazing journey. Welcome to our world.