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What we’re about

Want vegan friends?

Real life vegan friends not just online friends?

How about real life vegan friends who are local to you not 100s of miles away?

Join us!

Since August 2023 we have met up at least once a month in Dunstable, Luton & Leighton Buzzard to enjoy great vegan food and connect the local vegan community.
We are an active group and have been trampolining, hiking, bowling and attended art classes together with many more things (including outreach) planned for the future!

Our events have been well attended, December 2023 had 15 people attending, January 2024 had 20 and February 2024 had 28 (see our instagram for proof!). The momentum keeps building, proving that there is a thriving, vibrant vegan community here in our local area - come along and make some vegan friends in person.

Whatever your age, marital status, race, orientation etc.. you are guaranteed a warm welcome.

Non-vegans are also very welcome, the sole polite request is that you only consume vegan food & drinks at our events. If you’re unsure I’m delighted to help you. Anyone who is open minded about veganism and willing to eat plant based food for a meal is invited to come along!

Mental Health:
This group isn't a substitute for therapy nor a babysitting service for anyone unwell.
If you struggle with mental health then you will find meeting up with us and forming a friendship group with us and with others beneficial, but you will need to overcome your own anxieties (if you have them) to actually meet up with us. In that regard, please do read the event description in full before messaging me. More often than not, your question has already been answered.

Members are requested not to discuss political issues unless they relate to animal rights or veganism. Human issue politics are incredibly divisive and exclusionary.
Left wing and right wing vegans need to unite to fight for the animals - there are plenty of other spaces to discuss other issues. We might disagree completely on every other issue, yet the animals need us to have unity.
One exception: The government's proposed ban on our right to protest as that has implications for animal rights activism.

Get in Touch
Any questions, comments or queries please don’t use this Meetup website - it’s proved to be very unreliable!
It’s likely I won’t see your comments or messages and you won’t see mine!
Instead please contact me via

WhatsApp or Facebook or Instagram

(If it's urgent WhatsApp is the best method!)

Upcoming events (3)

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