Bourkes Lookout via Glasgow Fire Trail (Kilsyth)
6.3 km, Elevation: 470 m, (Grade: 3.5 Challenging)
From our starting point at the carpark on Sheffield Road, we will head up Singleton Terrace, onto Glasgow Road and up the Fire Trail (Scar Track). When at the top of the Fire Trail we turn right at Kyeema Track to Bourkes Lookout. After taking photos of the amazing views, we will continue along Kyeema track, turn right onto Zig Zag Track, then left onto Channel 10 Track (heading away from Dacite Track) towards Doongala Homestead Picnic Ground (Toilet is available here). We will head Doongala Road, turn right into Camelia Track, eventually veering left onto Edgars Track, before turning right down a short trail to Sheffield Road, where we will turn right, making our way back to the carpark area where we started.
Meeting at 9.00 AM
We will start from the car parking area at on Sheffield Road near the intersection with Glasgow Road in Kilsyth.
Fitness Level:
You will need a good level of fitness for this grade 3 (moderately challenging hike). The start of this hike will test your fitness, gaining 400 m in approximately 1.5 km distance.
What to bring:
Check the forecast on the day before you leave to ensure your suitably dressed & equipped
* Snacks
* Water
* Suitable clothing (Weatherproof jacket if required)
* Grippy shoes or boots
* Hiking Poles optional
Please read all of the following information before RSVP'ing.
Do not FOMO into events unless your intention is to attend on the day.
Check your availability for the date and confirm your ability against the distance and difficulty of the event.
Members who consistently withdraw at the last minute, are no shows, or are disrespectful to other members or leaders, will be asked to remove themselves from that event and may be removed from the group.
Group leaders are unpaid volunteers who spend their own time researching and organising events, to the best of their abilities and without charge.
The organizers attempt to reduce people left on waitlists.
Our events may be difficult and/or hazardous.
Eastern Hiking and Adventure organisers will not accept liability for any loss, injury or accident. Participants should take care, wear suitable clothing and footwear, maintain their equipment, act appropriately in their surroundings and follow the directions of the event leader. You are responsible for your own safety.
Ambulance cover is strongly recommended and by RSVP’ing to this event you indicate acceptance of these terms.