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Sustainable Economies Law Center Launch 11/8 (Berkeley)

From: Raines C.
Sent on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 3:06 PM
EBCOHO supporting members are invited to join our friend and members Janelle Orsi and Sean Betouliere for this fun event:

Launch Celebration for SELC: The Sustainable Economies Law Center
At the Hub, Downtown Berkeley

Featured Speaker: Michael Shuman, author of The Small Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Competition, and Director of Research and Economic Development at BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies)

Cartoons: A cartoon guide to Sustainable Economies, presented by Janelle Orsi, SELC Co-Director and author of The Sharing Solution

Starting a Movement: What SELC is doing and how you can collaborate, presented by Jenny Kassan, SELC Co-Director and CEO of Cutting Edge Capital

Free Books and Flamboyant Squash: Yes, squash! Take home books on sustainable economies and beautiful winter squash from local farms!
Food: Seasonal salads, snacks from local artisan chefs, and other treats!

What are we celebrating? The Sustainable Economies Law Center is facilitating the explosion of new economies enabled by sharing, cooperatives, barter, local investing, community-supported enterprises, local currencies, cohousing, and urban agriculture! This year, we began laying the organizational groundwork, along with a team of interns and a growing network of collaborators. We are now preparing to launch SELC into many more years of developing resources and serving communities in the transition to sustainable economies!

Where: The Hub, 2150 Allston Way, 4th Floor of Brower Center, Berkeley
When: 6:30 PM, Monday, November 8, 2010

Please RSVP here! Join the waiting list and we'll add you on a space-available basis; EBCOHO supporting members get first dibs.

Looking forward to celebrating with you!

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