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History of Co-ops - Author John Curl with Guitarist Howard Barkan (S. Berkeley)

From: Cohousing Coaches Raines & B.
Sent on: Monday, August 24, 2009, 4:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for East Bay Cohousing!

What: History of Co-ops - Author John Curl with Guitarist Howard Barkan (S. Berkeley)

When: Tuesday, August 25,[masked]:00 PM

Moe's Books
2476 Telegraph Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

Learn about the history of co-ops and some of the roots of cohousing in this talk from the author of:
For All The People:
Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America
by John Curl

About The Book
It is the cooperation of working people that has brought the best of the United States to life. Cooperatives have played a vital role throughout the American saga, starting in its formative years. A staggering 120 million Americans belong to cooperatives today--yet the existence of such a movement, and its dramatic and stirring story, remain all but ignored by most historians.

For All the People seeks to reclaim this history.

The very survival of indigenous communities and the first European settlers alike depended on a deeply cooperative style of living and working, based around common lands, shared food and labor. Cooperative movements proved integral to the grassroots organizations and struggles challenging the domination
of unbridled capitalism in America?s formative years. Holding aloft the vision for an alternative economic system based on cooperative industry, they have played a vital, and dynamic role in the struggle to create a better world.

In this groundbreaking, scholarly, yet eminently readable study, Curl surveys the vast range of cooperatives that have shaped America's past and continue to inform, and transform, our present. With an expansive sweep, and breathtaking detail, For All the People examines each of the definitive cooperative movements for social change?farmer, union, consumer, and communalist?that have been all but erased from our collective memory.

John Curl, with over forty years of experience as both an active member and scholar of cooperatives, masterfully melds theory, practice, knowledge and analysis, to present the definitive history from below of cooperative America.

"It is indeed inspiring, in the face of all the misguided praise of 'the market', to be reminded by John Curl's book of the noble history of cooperative work in the United States." - Howard Zinn, author of A Peoples History of the United States

"This new edition is greatly welcome, because we need a cooperative movement and spirit more than ever before. Curl surveys all, and explains much. New generations of readers will find this a fascinating account, and aging co-opers like myself will understand better what we did, what we tried to do, where we succeeded and where we failed. Get this book and read it, Curl will do you good." - Paul Buhle, coeditor of Encyclopedia of the American Left, founding editor of Radical America (SDS).

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