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What we’re about

Hello and welcome, fellow seekers of emotional wellness and physical harmony! We are delighted to invite you to our exciting and transformative ECBC London Group!

Are you feeling weighed down by unresolved emotions, past traumas, or recurring physical discomforts? Are you seeking a natural, holistic approach to release emotional baggage and restore balance in your life? Look no further! The Emotion Code and Body Code (as created and developed by Dr Bradley Nelson and his team) are revolutionary systems that can help you break free from emotional entanglements and unlock the body's natural healing potential.

What to Expect:

During our meetups, we'll delve into the fascinating world of energy healing, led by experienced practitioners and enthusiasts alike. The Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a simple yet profound technique that identifies and releases trapped emotions, those negative emotional energies that can linger in our bodies, affecting our well-being and blocking our true potential.

Additionally, we will explore the Body Code, a comprehensive extension of the Emotion Code, which investigates the six different areas of imbalance: emotional, energetic, structural, nutritional, toxicity, and circuitry. By addressing these imbalances, we can restore harmony within ourselves and experience a sense of renewed vitality.

What to Bring:
Come with an open mind and a willing heart, as we create a supportive and nurturing space for everyone to share and grow together. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to energy healing, you'll find inspiration and guidance within our community.


  1. Opening Circle: We'll start with introductions and set the intention for the meetup.
  2. Interactive Practice Sessions: Participate in hands-on practice sessions, where we'll work in pairs or groups to apply the techniques and gain practical experience.
  3. Q&A and Sharing: Engage in open discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences, challenges, and breakthroughs.

Join Us to:
Step into a realm of emotional release, physical restoration, and personal growth. Our meetup aims to provide a supportive community that empowers each member to find peace and healing within themselves.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. RSVP now and mark your calendar for an enriching and uplifting experience with the ECBC London Group!

See you soon!

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