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What we’re about

eCommerce Industry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. India being at the forefront of the Digitization, has witnessed a tremendous surge in online shopping across tier I, II and III cities. While consumers are still skeptical about paying online, COD has become the primary payment method using which users are booking orders for upto Rs. 2.5 lacs from the comfort of their home.

With the increase in demand, we have also witnessed a large number of eCommerce Brands popping up at every nook and corner of the country. While it is easy to start an eCommerce company, the hard truth is that only 7 to 10% of the startups are achieving success in the long run. The #1 reason for failure is not having a solid blueprint for Business Operations and Digital Marketing which is one of the most vital pillars of any eCommerce Company.

My name is Suvrajit and I am the founder of Over the last decade and a half, I have helped a ton of eCommerce Start-ups and partnered with many of the D2C brands in the planet helping them achieve their sales and marketing goals.

And in the last couple of years started up my own D2C company ShuddhDeshi by incorporating everything I know to make it a household name for top Quality Ayurvedic Products in India and US.

My goal with this meetup group is to meet and greet eCommerce start-up founders and aspiring founders and learn from their experiences and share mine.