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33 week Introduction to Gnosis Course - Lecture/Meditation
Topics include:
Astral Travel, Occult Anatomy, The Esoteric Path, Tarot & Kabbalah, Sacred Symbolism, Alchemy, Elementals of Nature, Awakening Conscious Faculties, The Knowledge of Oneself, The Death of the Ego & more...

Gnosis is a word that means knowledge, not simply a scholarly knowledge that is taught or learned in books, but a knowledge that comes from direct experience; an intuitive knowledge that overcomes ignorance and doubt. It is a very natural function of the awakened consciousness and is our essential spiritual nature. To know and comprehend our true nature is to acknowledge and experience this reality.

The contemporary Gnostic movement is a modern form of an ancient system of learning. The Gnostic school's theoretical-practical program of study contains the keys and knowledge to allow the student to achieve his or her own self-gnosis (self-knowledge) and to gain personal and intimate insight into his or her own spiritual and psychological reality. This provides the means to transcend one's own limitations and suffering and to gain insight into, and experience of the deep mysteries of life.