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What we’re about

Welcome to Effective Altruism Colorado!

By joining this group and attending events, you agree to abide to our Code of Conduct:

This is a group of people interested in working on the question of how we can use our resources to best help others. Effective Altruism is a social movement of people working on that question. We explore topics including animal welfare, global poverty, voting and public policy, far future concerns, risks of human extinction, and artificial intelligence.

Not all members of this group identify themselves as "Effective Altruists". Many of our members and organizers disagree with the values and decisions of prominent EA organizations. If you've got criticisms of philanthropy, especially EA-styled philanthropy, you'll find like company here! We welcome everyone regardless of their background or identities to our meetups.

Several of our local members have taken the Giving What We Can pledge to donate at least 10% of our earnings to effective charities Other local members have decided to change to careers to more directly work on important causes.

Please reach out to an organizer if you have questions or concerns about our group - we are happy to set up a time to talk.

Currently our events are based in the Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins areas. If you want to host a local EA meetup elsewhere in Colorado on this platform, you are welcome to do that. Just reach out to an organizer.

Upcoming events (1)

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