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What we’re about

This group is dictated to enjoying nature via kayaking, canoeing, hiking, backpacking and camping. All outings will be small groups (8 maximum - once in a while I might take pity and extend this). We will do many local events but also will plan more ambitious trips within 3-4 hours of the triangle. Most of the activities will occur during the week (one of the advantages of being retired) to avoid the crowds.

All ranges of paddling and hiking experience are welcome. Each trip will provide information on experience required in order to participate.

We/I have no special training in outdoor leadership, water rescue, or first aid response. We are a group of people gathering to enjoy nature together. Each member is responsible for their own safety at all times and at all events. You assume all risk associated with these events.

For paddling events, NC law requires every person have a personal flotation device (PFD) and a "sound-producing" device such as a whistle (many PFD's have whistles attached).

Dress for the temperature of the water, not the temperature of the air! A change of clothes in a dry bag of some kind is recommended just in case you fall in (unlikely!)

For hiking events, proper footwear is recommended, which means hiking shoes/boots or trail running shoes.

For all events, bring water and consider bringing a snack.

Please reach out to an organizer using the message link on this page if you have questions or comments regarding this group.