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What we’re about

Who should Join ELITE PARTIES...

ELITE PARTIES is a Free to join Meetup Group, mainly for young professionals aged 21 to 35 years old (although some of our Members are outside that range).

Why You Should Join Now...

As a Member, you’ll make Valuable Personal and Business Contacts, while socialising in a Friendly and High-Class Environment (each Event we organise has a full description, including dress code and etiquette).

Of course, we reserve the right to turn down your application or terminate your membership at any point, if you are deemed unsuitable for our group.

What Can Members Expect out of the Group...

We organise Social Parties and Networking Events at the best venues in London.

You will find that the atmosphere is always welcoming. Whether you attend the event alone or as part of a group, you will enjoy yourself.

Your hosts for the evening will always stay until late to make sure all our Members are well looked after. And we will make a point to personally introduce you to as many Members as possible.

A GIFT for You :)

Read the first Article of How To Be Charismatic as The Men and Women in a Bond Movie here:

To Receive the Whole Collection (and MORE), Subscribe for FREE here:

You are welcome to contact Organiser for sponsorship, collaboration, and/or event inquiries.

Upcoming events (4)

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