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Couples Counseling, Complimentary

Photo of Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S.
Hosted By
Karl Fleddermann, D.


This is a Complimentary 30 minute session on Zoom, available on request.

Bringing Larger Spiritual Insight to Couples Work

Often when couples come to counseling with me, their focus is overwhelmingly directed at the other person, highlighting the other person’s attitudes and behaviors that are irritating. They come in with the ways in which they want their partner to change, so that they can feel better.
As a Spiritual Counselor, my goal is to awaken your greater understanding of what’s at play. I have each couple focus on why and how they came together in the beginning, what was the direction they both wanted to pursue, and how to move forward with their partner, focusing on their mutually agreed-upon direction.

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The Austin Empath Meetup Group
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