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Reminder: June meetup is this Wednesday!

From: Rob A.
Sent on: Monday, 24 June 2019, 12:31 pm

Hey all!

Don't forget that our June meetup is this coming Wednesday from 6pm at YBF Ventures. There are still some spots available so don't forget to RSVP on the website.

A reminder as well that we've changed the structure of the meetup this month as we've taken delivery of our very own DeepRacer track. There will now be drinks, pizza, networking and racing at the beginning of the night while the track is out, and we'll kick off the night proper a short while after that. If you'd like to participate in the DeepRacing, don't forget to bring your models along on a thumb drive!

This month our Silver sponsors AC3 are leading the presentations and are teaching Amazon Sumerian to play Rock Paper Scissors. Then Arjen will close out the night with an introduction to AWS DeepRacer so we can all participate from next month.

The night kicks off from 6pm, we hope to see you there!

Rob, Chris, and Arjen

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