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June Meetup Changes (Vroom Vroom!)

From: Rob A.
Sent on: Friday, 14 June 2019, 1:10 pm

Hi all!

As alluded to on Twitter and at previous meetups, we have taken delivery this week of our very own AWS DeepRacer track! We have two cars as well, and so we're going to change the structure of the meetup a bit for June (and maybe future meetups, if it goes well).

From 6pm, we'll have the track out and you can bring along your own DeepRacer models on a thumb drive (not USB-C) and test them out. If you've not had a chance to train up your own DeepRacer models yet fret not! You'll get all the information you need on the night and you can try it out at future meetups.

There will also be pizza and drinks available during this time so you can network, talk shop, and watch the racing action.

After that we'll pack the track away (its massive – about 40sqm) and have two presentations, finishing at around our usual time of 8pm.

So the new format for June:

* Melbourne DeepRacing (6pm to 6:45pm – includes pizza)
* Introductions + What's new in AWS
* Greg Cockburn and John Ferlito: Teach Amazon Sumerian to play Rock, Paper, Scissors [Level 200]
* Marketplace (Who's Hiring) and short break
* Arjen Schwarz: DeepRacer: From Start to Finish [Level 200]

We'll post more info about Melbourne DeepRacing (* name to be confirmed) on the website in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for that!

It's going to be a fantastic night, so don't forget to RSVP on if you're coming.

See you there!

Rob, Chris, and Arjen

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