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Reminder: July Meetup is this Wednesday!

From: Rob A.
Sent on: Monday, 29 July 2019, 12:32 pm

Hi team,

After a long July and a five week break we're back for our usual monthly AWS Meetup this coming Wednesday the 31st of July.

Like last month we'll have the DeepRacer track out from around 5:45 until 6:30 so bring your cars and/or models to have a go around our (rather large) track. This is an especially good chance to practice if you're heading to the first DeepRacer Nights event next month.

And as always, a huge thanks to our gold sponsor Innablr for making these events possible. We wouldn't be able to do this without the support of them and our silver sponsors as well.

The pizza will also be out from about 6pm with the main night kicking off at 6:30 with two fantastic presentations that go into the detail of Node-RED, an IBM sponsored tool for wiring together wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services; and an in-depth look at giving IAM control back to your users – without compromising security.


The full agenda for July:

* Melbourne DeepRacing (5:45pm to 6:30pm – includes pizza)
* Introductions
* Arjen and Chris: What's new in AWS
* Guy Morton: Go the Low-Code Road with Node (-RED) [Level 200]
* Marketplace (Who's Hiring)
* Short break
* Hamid Nazari: Giving the IAM Control Back to Users [Level 400]


As always we'll be live streaming the event over at if you can't make it.

See you on Wednesday!

Rob, Chris and Arjen

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