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Over 100 RSVPs for this event!

From: Nic M.
Sent on: Friday, 16 July 2010, 4:19 pm
Hi everyone,

We have quite a crowd coming this Saturday evening, as over 100 of you have RSVP'd. Woohoo!

A great many "new-in-town" members, and a good number from a variety of arts and design fields also.

We will have an area at the back of The Alchemist Bar reserved for the Meetup. If you're not sure exactly where it is just ask Nicole or one of the other friendly bar staff.

I may arrive later in the evening, as I have a couple of other functions to attend on Saturday night just before this meetup, but as we have such a large number of guests I'm sure you will find many people to chat with and entertain you in my absence! :)


Nic ~ The Australian Arts Community

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