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New Meetup: Spanish Meetup at 7:00 pm Wednesday 10 November - Fox Hotel, South Brisbane

From: Anthony B.
Sent on: Thursday, 28 October 2010, 12:18 pm
Announcing a new Meetup for The Brisbane Spanish Language Meetup Group!

What: Spanish Meetup at 7:00 pm Wednesday 10 November - Fox Hotel, South Brisbane

When: Wednesday, November 10,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The Fox Hotel
71-73 Melbourne Street

Hola Todos!

Our next meetup will be at the Fox Hotel on Wednesday 10 November 2010.

* So as to make it easy for everyone to recognise the meetup group, please wear an item of
RED clothing.

Para ser fluente en espa?ol es necesario practicar y practicar, hablar y hablar. De esta manera puedes conocer a nuevas personas que te van a ayudar a perfeccionar tu idioma.

!Ven al FOX que los vas a disfrutar!

To become fluent in Spanish, it is necessary to practise and practise, to speak and speak. In this way, you can meet new people who will help you to perfect your language.

Also, it is great that so many native Spanish speakers attend the meetups so that group members who are learning and or improving their Spanish skills can benefit from their interactions with each the native speakers.

Come to the Fox - you are going to enjoy it!

Patricia and Anthony :)

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