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PUMAS rugby at the normamby. FYI

From: Dean J.
Sent on: Tuesday, 11 September 2012, 6:55 pm

Meetup Message from: Claire, via The Brisbane Spanish Language Meetup Group

Argentina v Wallabies Rugby Championships

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to write and let you know about an upcoming event at The Normanby Hotel on Saturday 15 september 7-10pm. We're screening the Walaabies v Argentina game with a dinner/drinks package. $54 gets you a wagyu steak, 3hrs drinks package of beer and wine, exclusive commentary from QLD Reds players and the game screened LIVE AND LOUD.

I was hoping I might be able to get in touch with some of your members as they might be interested in supporting the Argentinian Pumas for this event?

Here is a link to the event with all the information, but please let me know if you'd like me to send you some more info or book a table for you!

Claire Lennon
[address removed]
