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See you tomorrow at the Spanish Meetup at Denim Cafe at 7:00 pm

From: Anthony B.
Sent on: Tuesday, 20 October 2009, 12:55 pm
Hola todos!

There has been some confusion recently about who is part of the Spanish Meetup group and where to find it. I appreciate that the Fox Hotel is a large and popular place and so it is not readily apparent where the group is on some meetup nights. Aslo, the group is dynamic and so familar faces are not always at the venues, making it hard to members to find their Spanish Meetup freinds.

I have found a way to fix this problem. Tomorrow night, I will be bringing along to the Denim Cafe a large red and white Spanish Learning Centre banner that will mark where the group will sit.

We have had excellent turn outs for past meetups and I would like to continue the popularity of the group.

All are welcome and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at Denim Cafe at 7:00 pm.

Warm regards,

Anthony :)
Spanish Meetup Organiser