What we’re about
Learning the destructive activities and characteristics the Federal Reserve is the first step toward ending the Fed. The The Fed helps to create and/or extend wars. Saving the lives and limbs of our bravest citizens should be enough reason to work for ending the Fed. But there are many other reasons. Join our fight to preserve our Republic, private property and our Freedom. Without private property their is no Freedom; only a struggle to keep food on the table, clothes on your children and a roof over their heads. Learn how the Fed can strip you of your possessions and make you a slave to its elite money manipulators. When enough of us understand the shenanigans of these money changers, we may be able to End the Fed. You may feel the same outrage that I do when you fully comprehend the cold blooded way these elite masters of our money, use their position and power to enrich their friends and enslave the rest of us. Learning how these thieves in the temple play the game, will improve your financial decision making. Join us for a great adventure. Learn what your rich friends know about money.