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What we’re about

Adventures in dining and culinary exploration!
Motto: Food, Fun and Friendship
Whether you are passionate about cooking and entertaining or just a dining fanatic, we have a place for you! From the food novice to epicurean gourmands, Epicurious Epicureans always have a good time trying new spots, old haunts, and established venues throughout the Lincoln/Omaha area. This group is about FOOD, FRIENDS and FUN! We pair interesting food with interesting people. Join us to share laughter, great conversation, and a good meal….let's build a community around happy hearts and happy tummies! Everyone is welcome - no matter your level of culinary expertise! We are based in the Eastern Nebraska but you don’t have to live here to join. This inclusive group is for anyone who enjoys any and all aspects of food and is looking to meet new people and make friends along the way. We are not a dating site and appreciate you not using our platform as such. We want everyone to feel comfortable, singles and couples. 
Eat, drink and be social.
We will dine at a wide-variety of restaurants including those serving breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner; whether it's a fantastic hole-in-the-wall, a hot, new upscale restaurant, or a local legend, we'll try it.  Additional outings to include local food festivals, food truck rallies, farmer’s markets, cooking lessons/demonstrations, wine pairing classes, and in home potlucks, progressive dinners and occasional shopping trips to specialty food stores.
Currently, we average about three to four Meetups a month, so hopefully something will fit your schedule. Check out our future Meetups. We hope you will find at least one that will interest you. We also have a Facebook page.  Search for Epicurious Epicureans and join us there.
Where would you like to go?
This is your group! If you have a place you'd like to go, please pick a date and suggest a Meetup using the tools on the group's main page. Don't see your favorites on our calendar? Feel free to step up and host. It's that easy!
Membership dues.
Never any dues here!!! Contributions are encouraged and appreciated to help cover the cost of the site registration fees ($180 annually). The link to contribute is on the left hand side of the main page.
Our RSVP Policy for dining:
Because we want everyone to feel comfortable and relaxed at our events, please only RSVP when you know your availability and intend to show up at an event.  We know plans can change, and appreciate that you keep your RSVP current so that we can have a chair reserved at the table just for you!
When you RSVP “yes” for a dining event and find that you cannot make the event, we ask that you change your RSVP to “no” no later than 4 hours prior to the event.  This allows the event host time to call the restaurant and change the number of reservations if necessary.  We also encourage our members to be courteous to the restaurant staff to ensure our group will be welcomed back. No shows should not be a repeat offense! Please be respectful.