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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Datathon HackCancer

From: David A.
Enviado el: martes, 22 de mayo de 2018, 11:47

our friends at ACPYSS are organizing a cancer related Datathon at Donostia, and they are looking for participants.

Should you be interested, go to


 HACKCANCER 2018 - A cancer related Datathon. 
Datathon can be described as a data analysis marathon. 
An 24 hours event where experts of different fields 
(medicine, maths, data engineering...) work together 
for a reason: find patterns in cancer related data sets.

The event is a vehicle to raise money through sponsors 
for child cancer research !!
 Registration is open for HackCancer 2018.  
Registration for HackCancer is free. Please, read whole information about the conference  and roles before registering. Register (

Registration will be open until June 1st.

 Dates and Location 
 HackCancer 2018 will be held in the Orona Fundazioa 
headquarters. From 8th of June to 10th of June.  

Participants and roles 
During the Datathon each group will be composed of different 
type of figures. Each figure will give to the group different 
type of knowledge. 
* Clinician brings knowledge in the field of cancer from the 
clinical perspective. Main function will be to direct the group 
based on their knowledge towards different tools that can be 
built based on data or clinical interest patterns. 
* Tech brings knowledge in the field of data analysis, machine 
learning tools as well as statistics. Its function will be to 
provide the necessary technical tools to achieve the desired result
* Researcher contributes knowledge in the structuring and 
orientation of the project, search of existing knowledge and 
knowledge of the area.  

Resumed Schedule 
June 8th, Friday 
17.00 to 20.00 Presentation and tutorials 
20.30 to 23.00 Pintxos around Donostia (Social Event) 

June 9th, Saturday 
9.00 Begin of Datathon 

June 10th, Sunday 
9.00 End of Datathon 
16.00 to 18.30 Presentation of the work and results. Awards and Grant delivery.  

More information in our website 
** You can email me for questions: [address removed]