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Fwd: Job Offer: Python developer at Optimus Group

From: Ignasi F.
Enviado el: lunes, 4 de junio de 2018, 23:54

Optimus Group is looking for a Python Developer. To apply, send your CV or LinkedIn link to: n.martin at The CV or Linkedin profile must be written in English. Interviews will be held in English.

Job title: Python Developer

Job offer description
We are a Small Software Company based in UK supplying Management Information Systems to the Printing Industry since 1982 (
Our MIS is available worldwide and is used in more than 21 countries and more than 7 different languages, with representation in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Australia, South Africa and Italy.
As a Python Developer you will have the opportunity to develop your skills and learn new things working on an international environment solving real problems, and adding value to the business.

Position details
You will be responsible for developing, enhancing, modifying and/or maintaining existing client/server applications in Python.
You will communicate effectively with various stakeholders across technology and the business.
You will work closely with the Managing Director of the Netherlands & Germany for developing new country customizations under the guidance of the Group Software Manager based in Barcelona.

Position Requirements


·       Demonstrated experience as a Python Developer
·       Good knowledge of MySQL
·       Fluent English, both written and spoken

Nice to have
·       Experience with version control tools
·       Knowledge of agile methodologies
·       Being a “problem solver”, positive attitude and ability to work in a team
Position offer
·       Location: Cornellà (Barcelona)
·       Full time
·       Salary range: 20 k – 24 k € depending on experience and qualification
Recruitment process details
·       Contact: To apply, send your CV or LinkedIn link to: n.martin at
·       The CV must be written in English
·       Video call and interview will be held in English