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Job offer: Software Engineer - Back End at WeGetFinancing (40-50K)

From: Ignasi F.
Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020, 12:21

At WeGetFinancing they are looking for a Software Engineer in a Back End position.


Software Engineer – Back End

WeGetFinancing is operated by Emerging Payments Technologies, a USA company with offices in New Jersey.
Our product is a real-time Purchase Finance Gateway that allows consumers to obtain instant financing from numerous lending sources when making a purchase online at a participating merchant’s website. This position is for a remote contractor. (EST or CET timezones).

We want to grow our development team and we are looking for a senior software engineer.

What you will do

As part of the WeGetFinancing development team, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining different components of our platform.
You will be working side to side with the CTO, you will participate in biweekly sprints, releasing quality code using test-driven development practices, and writing good technical documentation.
You will work with a modern stack using innovative frameworks using Python 3 and React, being always on the edge of the technology.
If you are a very passionate software engineer that follows engineering best practices and in search of constant growth, this offer is for you, giving you day-to-day challenges and learning opportunities.

What you need to bring
  • +2 years of experience with Python.
  • Knowledge of relational databases and SQL language.
  • Linux/Unix knowledge.
  • Experience with TDD (test-driven development), Unit Testing, Q&A.
  • Knowledge of engineering patterns such as DRY, KISS, SOLID, etc.
  • Ability to learn new programming frameworks and libraries.
  • University degree in Computer Science or related.
  • Fluency (both written and spoken) in English.
Bonus points if
  • Previous experience with Agile methodology.
  • Knowledge of Git and git-flow.
  • Experience creating or consuming REST APIs (JSON, XML) and Swagger/OpenAPI.
  • Experience with Flask and SQLAlchemy.
  • Knowledge of PHP or other programming languages.
  • Writing docker containers and managing them with docker-compose.
  • Experience with eCommerce and/or payment methods.
  • Experience developing microservices for the cloud (with AWS or similar).
  • Links to GitHub/BitBucket public repositories with relevant projects, pull-requests, or any participation on any open source project.
We offer
Competitive salary (40-50K)

Please send your resume to amontanola(at)