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Job offer: Python Developer (Tech-Lead) at Preply

From: Ignasi F.
Enviado el: sábado, 4 de julio de 2020, 11:25

At Preply, they look for a Python Developer as Tech-Lead.

Preply is a fast-growing product company at an early stage of development, backed by Europe’s most prominent investors. 160 people are currently working on building a global human-to-human online tutoring marketplace with locations in Barcelona and Kyiv.

We have more than 15 nationalities on board, that work in small cross-functional teams to continuously improve and scale user experience. We offer remote working days and the possibility to use our platform for self-development. We challenge each other to learn more and faster while promoting creative power and free will. Personal growth, a friendly and hierarchy-free atmosphere are guaranteed!

We are currently looking for a tech-lead to join our Payments team that is part of the Retention Tribe.

This position will be responsible for experimenting and iterating on the architecture of Payments flow on the platform. Payments flow includes processing payments, making payouts, recurrent payments, refunds and fraud detection. It is a challenging but also rewarding part of the business as any small improvement brings the company more revenue. This part of the product is delicate as we need to carefully consider race conditions, transactions and edge cases. We are ready to refactor and rewrite some legacy logic if needed.

Approximate roadmap of Payments squad for the next few quarters:integration of Stripe Connect/Braintree marketplace/Transferwise/Revolutmachine learning automation for fraud detection(3rd party or in-house)UX/UI iterations on the checkout pageimplementing local payment optionsarchitecture students wallet featurestability improvements including better failover to other providers when we have issues

Our developers work on all parts of our system stack from improving the UX, to making our API more robust. We like to build user-facing features using React v16, Python/Django, Apollo GraphQL client, TypeScript, Docker, AWS. A/B testing. We release our product 20-40 times per day by leveraging modern technologies like Kubernetes (Skaffold+Helm), Docker and top-notch CI/CD processes. We use DataDog and Terraform for monitoring and alerting. We have diverse technical challenges (sometimes we write about them on our Engineering Blog) that will allow you to develop your skills across the stack.

Your Expected Outcomes
  • Work closely with PM to identify the best task scopes for individual contributors within the team
  • Architect and develop new features using Python
  • Constantly adding value to the experience of our customers by writing readable, testable and efficient code
  • Maintain and develop engineering culture within Preply.Ensure dev. culture to be customer-centric
  • Help us make our best practices even better (test culture, code reviews, mentoring)

Your Competency Profile
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Outstanding attention to the details, Experience with writing unit tests;
  • Business-oriented, understand a/b test basics;
  • At least 3+ years experience developing web applications;
  • Strong knowledge of Python;
  • Experience with Django, py.test, Flask, JavaScript, AWS, GraphQL, k8s is a plus;
  • Min. B2 English level (company gives 200$/month for studying English on
  • Salary - +45