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Re: Lista de MadridJS: "[Ann] React Day Berlin"

From: Alex F.
Enviado el: martes, 31 de julio de 2018, 0:49
Hi again,

The winner of the raffle is:

Congratulations! Please contact me at [address removed] for details.

By the way, nobody has requested the diversity scholarship:

We will give it to the first interested person; please write to me at the same address.

And remember that the CfP is open till August 17:

Good luck,

Alex Fernández,

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 6:30 PM, Alex Fernández (Meetup) <[address removed]> wrote:
Alex Fernández
Alex Fernández (Organizador) ha enviado un mensaje a la lista de correo de MadridJS
[Ann] React Day Berlin

The good folks at React Day Berlin are organizing a React Day Berlin on November 30th, and they are offering us a 15% discount:

They are sending us a courtesy ticket, so please tweet something funny with the hashtag #madridLovesReactBerlin to enter the raffle before Sunday the 29th. We have a diversity ticket to give away so if you come from one of their target collectives please write to me in private to [address removed] and I will choose one of you with the help of the rest of the organizers. We will do both things next week.

Finally, they want our proposals:

Let us show our best work! Good luck!

Alex Fernández,


I hope you’re doing well! 

My colleagues from React Amsterdam and I are working on another React Day Berlin conference (November 30) and we’d like your MadridJS Meetup to be our community partner this year. We’d use a bit of your help with spreading the word.

Our CFP is currently open and it would be great if you shared the info with your meetup’s members. We had a bunch of local attendees last year and they were all amazing, so please encourage the developers you know to submit a talk here:
We’re also offer diversity scholarships:

Franz & React Day Berlin team

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