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ZK Scholar Assembly

Photo of Alphonsus Chen
Hosted By
Alphonsus C.
ZK Scholar Assembly


Hey there, fellow members!

Cryptography is not moon math. Its one of the most useful form of applied mathematics that is utilized in our daily life, and often times can achieve magical things!

Feeling like becoming a magician yet? Introducing ZK Scholars Assembly, a 3-day bootcamp led by the one and only Wanseob Lim.

This event is brought to you by the collaborative forces of PSE, ETHKL, and Sunway Blockchain Club. Brace yourselves for an exhilarating journey through the bedrock of modern ZK applications, guided by a true master in the field!

As we have limited space for the event, the participant would be accepted with a first come first serve basis. Please fill in the form below to sign up! Signing up on meetup does not guarantee placement in the program.

About PSE
PSE is an Ethereum Foundation supported research and development lab dedicated to testing use cases for cryptographic primitives. They build open-source infrastructure and tools, host workshops and summer programs, and collaborate with people bringing cryptography to life.

Photo of Ethereum Malaysia (ETHKL) group
Ethereum Malaysia (ETHKL)
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Sunway University
5, Jalan Universiti · Petaling Jaya, Se
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