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$399 -- Scandinavia This Summer from Texas (each way)* new

From: sMiles
Sent on: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 1:42 PM
$399 -- Scandinavia This Summer from Texas (each way)* new

Flights to Scandinavia

Top 20 Travelzoo deal - sells out quickly!

Travel dates: May 16 - Aug. 16

By Aaron Brown
Travelzoo Staff

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) just released the biggest Summer Sale to Scandinavia that we've ever seen. Not only is this the absolute best time to experience the sites, flavors and culture or northern Europe, but you can fly to dozens of cities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland from cities across Texas all for $399 each way. This is at least $300 OFF typical peak-season travel.

Departures are valid May 16 - Aug. 16, but you can return anytime over the next 12 months. You must book by March 12.

Here are just a few of our favorite fares. Keep in mind, there are hundreds of routes on sale all for the same $399 price (each way based on roundtrip purchase):

* Austin-Helsinki ... $399
* Dallas-Oslo ... $399
* Houston-Stockholm ... $399
* San Antonio-Copenhagen ... $399

Taxes and fees are approximately $80-$120 additional. The search results will display total each-way pricing.

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