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What we’re about

Renaming the group to Everyday-Javascript and will soon launch a series to learn NodeJS, Javascript and web3 everyday. There is a companion website for those who want to learn it one topic a day but is currently focussed on AI. We will soon be starting a chapter of Javascript there.

[If interested in AI - Signup at . It has both free and paid posts on AI, posted daily. There is a 45% discount for the members of this group. Send me a message to get the discount. ]

Anything that can be replaced by Javascript, will be replaced by javascript.

Understanding Javascript and web3 can have a significant positive impact on your career as a Javascript developer. Knowing how it works, how it scales, and how to interact with it can save you time, headaches and delays going to production which can put you well ahead of your competition. Understanding javascript and node.s can help you architect applications that are built to work with node's features and capabilities.
This group is for both beginners as well as advanced javascript developers to meet and share their knowledge of nodeJS and Javascript, and now web3.

From building IoT applications to mobile apps and chatbots and now decentralised applications, this group is for every JS developer who has an interest in knowing what is ahead of the curve.