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What we’re about

This Meetup Group has been set up as a purposeful networking group for women who are leading tech and digitally focused companies in Christchurch, NZ.

We welcome women who are leading their organisation, including founders, those in the C-suite, General Managers and leaders of the Christchurch subsidiaries of national and global companies.

It provides a safe place to build relationships, gain support and learn from each other.  What we discuss at the events are confidential unless stated otherwise. 

We aim to meet on a regular basis to network, discuss topical issues and enjoy stimulating thought-leadership presentations.

If you would like to be a part of this group or know of others who ought to be invited, please join this group.

We also have a LinkedIn Group which everyone is encouraged to join and use to post on for help or sharing good stories. 

Christchurch also has a ‘Women in Tech’ Meetup group which welcomes everyone to events on a regular basis

Please note: this is an ‘Exec Women members’ only group but visitors may be allowed to attend events if invited by a member.

Upcoming events (1)

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