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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in exploring the causes of why they’re struggling with difficult feelings, or behaviour in themselves or someone close to them which seems to have no apparent reason. For those wanting to understand what are the forces that prevent them from moving forward in life. For those looking to find the root cause for issues (health, career, relationships) that seems unexplainable.

There are studies that support the idea that an ancestor's traumatic experience may be passed onto the next generations. You can read some of these articles here:

Systemic and Family Constellations is a therapy that helps you to understand how your ancestor's life experience may be impacting your daily life right now. There are studies that support the idea that trauma and other difficult experiences lived by the ancestor can be passed onto future generations. This can have an effect on the mental health, behaviour and different areas of the current generation's life.

Here is a couple of articles on epigenetic studies that explain how certain issues in your life may be inherited from the previous generation: and

Constellations reveal the hidden dynamics influences that you may have inherited from your wider family. <br> It helps you to see a different angle of a familiar story; how it impacts your daily life and opens a space to create shifts that initiate a transgenerational healing process. Constellations help you to find ways to reconnect and restore the natural flow of love that may have been lost in the past. This work of acknowledging the ancestor's struggle so life could be passed onto you reconnects you to the past in a healthy manner, restoring the balance between given/take and the flow of love in your personal and family life. These have such a transformative effect in the areas of your and other family member's life that may have been affected by past events. It enables you to find a renewed strength that supports you to take your own place, creating a movement towards life to write your own history <br>

If you are new to the concept of Systemic Constellation work then watch this video: Rupert Sheldrake talks about the morphogenetic fields and how it is related to constellation workshops around the 4-minute mark.

This clip is also helpful:

In group Constellations, you can participate by setting up your own constellation as a 'client' (Issue Holder) to work on a particular issue in your personal and family life. You can also participate as a Representative (you are asked to step in to support the Issue Holder by representing various family members, situations, etc of the IH) and everyone present benefits from the work done.

Constellations are set up to work with a specific intention, based on desired changes in one's life circumstances. In a constellation (individual or group), we learn ways of how to listen to our bodies, to be in the present moment with what is and without any judgement or interpretation of what is happening.

Constellations workshops often have a profound impact on all presents as it gives participants insights into their own lives from a different perspective.

If you have a question, please feel free to email me on


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