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What we’re about

There is a strong current of energy that circulates internally and magnifies within a space of LGBTQ souls who are unapologetically living from the core of their being. We amplify each other when we feel safe to express ourselves through our heart, our soul, our dance. We give ourselves and each other an allowance of beauty to just be. There is no room for self doubt here. We know true power when we thrive in unity and connection. It's in this sacred space, we get free.

Introducing Exploring Intimacy LGBTQ, a community to bring out and reveal who you are, who you really are.
Drop in and call forth your vulnerable essence, your powerful creative genius, your fierce beast, your inner sensual Goddess/Warrior self! Connect and nurture your embodied TRUTH and bring it out. All parts of you are welcome here


A community to connect us to our common humanity through love.

A safe space for those to share their stories about their journey and emotional investment towards deeper intimacy.

A gathering of ideas to embrace the idea of love, intimacy, and connection as a transformative force.

Perhaps, we want to take out the "hopeless" and be real, honest, and raw about our inner romantic. Perhaps, we want to admit our cynic, our pain, our struggle, as we cope to understand how to be true to love (again). Here we can, embrace the down's, the up's, the contraction, the expansion The woes and the glows.

Participate as much as you want. You are welcome here.


For those who want to explore a deeper fulfilling connection beyond small talk.  
For those who want to explore sexuality and consciousness in a safe space  
For those who want to explore and learn ways to heighten all your senses  
For those who want to explore vulnerability and authentic relating