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What we’re about

This group is about - having fun and learning about interesting, specific and not so specific random topics that pop up in life that the mainstream media sometimes neglect. We will have a mixture of fun get together events and classes.

Get togethers will include coffee type catch ups or social type bar and pub events, hopefully to discuss the greater things in life, and maybe come up with brilliant ideas to solve some aspects of global concerns. To know that "We are all connected".

Class topics may range from popular science, history, philosophy and sociology and many more.

It is apparent that mainstream "powers that be" likes to "dumb us all down" so that we are easily controlled by mega corporations/authorities to become mindless minions, this can make us feel lost or confused about our place in the world as we can become mere cubicle dwelling zombies or industrial slaves sweating and toiling for our existence and then become restricted and confined to stereotypes or subcultures in society's structure. To have our creativity and authenticity squashed along the way. I would like to make a difference and change things, by doing my best to "smarten us all up!" So we can make ourselves more fulfilled in life and be able to have a choice of how we can contribute to the world.

Who should join? - anyone that is interested in learning something new and wants to make a difference for themselves and for the local community and the world in general.  Anyone that wants to improve their knowledge base, and have fun along the way.  Anyone with a sense of humour and a thirst for knowledge! Anyone that wants to be extraordinary and gain deeper understanding of human constructs that have been created.

What can members expect from the group? - the objective is to have insightful and intelligent discussions, possibly new avenues of understanding of life's many mysteries, greater depths of communication and thought. 

What the group expects from its members ? - mutual respect and kindness, thoughtful and heartful consideration to all, as we delve into deeper topics it may bring some paradigm shifts.