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Extremely Shy Vancouver newsletter updates- 2nd Anniversary Edition

From: Ed
Sent on: Friday, May 17, 2013, 5:30 PM

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone is enjoying summer! With the long weekend coming up, so is our group's anniversary! We would like to invite you to come out to our official anniversary party at Steamworks! We got our very own lounge and will have an awesome party. its gonna be LEGEN-waitforit-DARY! LEGENDARY!

We anticipate the official party may be full, if that is the case, do not fret, we do have a secondary spill over event the next day at the REVS!

RSVP here:


We have come a long way from 2011 from just 2 guys at the first meetup event to today at 3300 member strong with communities of meetup friends meeting up on

  • Boardgames on Mondays
  • Movie night on Tuesdays
  • Comedy night Wednesdays
  • karaoke Fridays
  • eating out on Saturdays
  • hiking on Sundays.
  • A house party at jeff from time to time
  • monthly mingler parties to bring everyone together for one big celebration!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's an illustrative reflection about our group in the last year!

Aside from having fun, we've also made a difference in the community featuring the following illustrative report on how much we have given in the last year. All these happened because we came together and had fun!

we have a few other events happening during the month of may and june:

Salsa Dancing (May 27)

Hangover 3 (May 28)

Asian Comedy night (may 29)

Drinking and games at the EDGE (June 1)

Explore Biodiversity (June 1)

Kevin's Beach and watch Hockey game (June 3)

EXP bar (June 26)

June Mingler- Speed Socializing night (June 29)

We look forward to celebrating with you all this weekend and have a great long weekend.

If you love pictures here's another one:

Keep on socializing!


Ed  (Guy with the hat)
Communications and Large Events

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