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Sally's Apizza Fairfield

Photo of Maryann
Hosted By
Maryann and Don C.
Sally's Apizza Fairfield


Finally Cheffy says YES, we can go! Now that the grand opening is behind them and they made their way through their first year, it's time for the DISH foodies to get in their first visit to Sally's Apizza in Fairfield. Location #3 for this expanding company. They offer a newer FULL MENU including their delicious pizzas (ABEETZ which is of course, New Haven style) and a full bar. There are several appetizers and entrees as well. This is full service at-the-table dining experience. No order kiosks. Please bring CASH to ease payment for the table.

These ovens have been specially ordered so that the pizza will mimic the original but, many claim its better. There are actually 2 locations here. There is a separate TO GO / Delivery door and oven. We will have a table in the dine-in restaurant. This place is hopping 7 days a week! Great vibe so join us!

Sally's Apizza, 665 Commerce Drive, Fairfield

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DISH... Eat Drink Discover!
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Sally's Apizza
665 Commerce Dr Suite D · Fairfield, CT
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