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New Meetup: Brentwood Coop Meetup

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 12:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Calgary Boardgames Meetup Group!

What: Brentwood Coop Meetup

When: November 29,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Another Co-Op location! This time at the Brentwood Co-Op which is located at the Brentwood C-Train station and thus is easily accessible by transit.

A Saturday afternoon/evening of gaming starting at 3:00 pm and going until 9:30 pm at the Brentwood Coop

Brentwood Coop Auditorium
4122 Brentwood Road NW

> What kinds of games do you play?
We play a variety of board and card games at this event. If you have any specific types of games you wish to play, please bring them with you but there is always plenty to choose from. Please visit Board Game Geek for more details on the kinds of games we play.

> I don't know how to play these games
There is nothing to worry about as there are plenty of people who are more than willing to teach games. Members are friendly, enthusiastic and love games and gaming!

> Atmosphere
We strive to foster an environment of fun so bring along a friend or three.

> Any cost?

The venue and event are totally free! Just come and enjoy.

> Outside food or drink?

No outside food or beverages are permitted. Visitors are able to purchase food/drink at the venue if they desire.

Learn more here:

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