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Metaphysical Chat

Photo of Anna M.
Hosted By
Anna M.
Metaphysical Chat


Please Note:
This is a social event, so please have your video ON. It's also for transparency and peace of mind for the members of this group. And, please update your RSVP if you're plans have changed, so we'll know not to expect you. It's greatly appreciated! Thank you. 😊

Hello Ladies! Come and join us for a weekly evening of spiritual inspiration. I'll be sharing a variety of videos, films and books from powerful teachers for us to ponder and discuss. Some evenings I'll present short excerpts from some of my favorite books including, "The Greatest Secret," as a catalyst for the discussion of our true nature in Spirit, and how the awareness of that can profoundly affect our lives. Each week will be different, but will always focus on spirituality and how our lives can blossom as a result of practicing it. ALL religions are welcome, but will not be used to proselytize, if mentioned in a discussion.

A bit about your host Anna: The study of spirituality has been a passion of mine since childhood, and has been a lifelong pursuit. In my teen years, I attended a private religious school which left me with many questions regarding traditional religion. At 24, I was involved in a terrible car crash, caused by a lumber truck, that took me five years to recover from. It led to a number of spiritually transformative experiences in my life, that gave me a greater understanding of the truth about who we are in Spirit and our deepest purpose for being here. To stay grounded, I’ve practiced TM, (Transcendental Meditation) for 30 years, and find it helps me keep in touch with the, “Still small voice within.” For many years, I’ve worked as a hairdresser and a musician, and I’ve also run a small e-commerce business since 2001. One of my favorite quotes is, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa

I’ve missed seeing many of you who attended my Metaphysical Chat group on Revel. I hope to see you again, and look forward to what the coming year brings, as we open our hearts to a greater experience of love and compassion.

Photo of Finding Female Friends >50® (National) group
Finding Female Friends >50® (National)
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