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What we’re about

The Finger Lakes Flute Circle is a gathering of people in Western New York interested in the Native American flute, to share talents and experiences through a supportive musical and educational exchange. A flute circle can be helpful on many levels, enriching those who are exploring or growing an interest in the Native American flute, nourishing beginner Native flute players searching for support, and empowering experienced players to reach higher levels of skill and enjoyment. The Native American flute is a wonderful instrument in its accessibility to beginners to quickly and readily make pleasant songs regardless of prior musical experience, and a powerful musical tool for musical and emotional expression and improvisation. Meetings are most second Wednesday of each month, and beginners are welcome and encouraged. We play Native American flutes, drums, and hand percussion, and play great music together. Beginner flutes are available to try out. We look forward to seeing you!

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