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What we’re about

Looking to take control of your finances and invest wisely? Our personal finance planning and investment events offers insightful knowledge to help you achieve your financial goals. πŸ™‚

What is FinoWell?

  • FinoWell is a finance planning and investment group that offers insights to spread financial awareness in India.
  • It is an initiative by community of friends (you can say retail investors) who likes to learn and talk about finance planning and investment.
  • We encourage long term investment over trading.

What FinoWell is not?

  • We are not a Financial Planning organisation, and do not provide stock advisory services.
  • We do not engage in marketing or product sales.

What will be covered in FinoWell events?
Here, we will conduct series of events to understand financial planning step by step in easy language. You will learn about financial planning, budgeting, Tax saving, and Investment options to meet financial goals.

This is an opportunity to connect with people having interest in Personal Finance management and can share knowledge with each other.

πŸ—’ Here are some of the sessions to be planned in future:

  • Financial Planning & Its importance
  • Save money with Budgeting
  • Tax Planning
  • Type of Investments options
  • Assets allocation and Risk management
  • FD vs MF vs Stocks vs NPS vs PF
  • NPS & PPF – Retirement options
  • Basics of Stock Market and Mutual Funds
  • When we should avoid Trading
  • The Power of Compounding


  • The main language used during the sessions will be Hindi, with some use of English.

⏰ Time & Duration:

  • Frequency: Monthly
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Day: Sunday, @ 11 AM

- Time and duration may vary with events depending on the nature of session and preferences of members.


  • All FinoWell sessions are free of charge. πŸ™‚

About Deepak Rajpal (Organizer)?
I'm Deepak Rajpal, a software developer and writer based in Gurugram, India.
I've written over 80 articles covering topics such as motivation, happiness, relationships, finance, and personal development on my website Additionally, I've authored a book titled "Frientors," which you can find on popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.

With a range of interests in Finance and Investment concepts, I'm consistently engaged in learning more about them. Along my learning journey, I've simplified certain concepts and I'd be happy to share these this and some great resources/references with you for educational purposes.

In other words, I don't intend to present myself as a finance expert. Instead, my goal is to close the gap by granting access to learners and beginners with valuable information and resources.

πŸ“’ Disclaimer: We are Not Sebi Registered. The information shared in this group or events is personal opinion of members and is only for educational purposes. Please consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

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