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What we’re about

Flipping Phoenix is focused on wholesaling and fix-n-flipping as the primary way of investing in Real Estate in Maricopa County and other surrounding areas. We bring like-minded individuals together to learn and share knowledge about flipping an investment property. This meet up group is directed by wholesalers/fix-n-flippers who are active in the Phoenix market. The connections you will make at this meet up will bring you buyers, more deals, private money, and much much more. This meetup is for Real Estate Investors who wholesale and renovate homes or are eager to learn how. 

Core Values: 

- Primarily, education and information sharing is our goal.

- Proximity is Power - we believe that through surrounding yourself with like minded individuals, more business will get done at a much higher level.

- We believe in a positive mentality of abundance and are open with our wholesaling and fix-n-flip strategies and techniques. 

Each meeting features guest speakers and education on critical aspects of wholesaling and fix-n-flipping. Participants are encouraged to bring any current or future deals for open discussion. Everyone is to share insight and tips with the group. People of all levels will benefit from participating in Flipping Phoenix.

Please join us!