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POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY in Seoul - Discover your innate happiness 
☞ 행복이란 무엇일까요? 타고난 것일까? 만들어지는 것일까? 둘다 필요하니까 둘다에 대한 이야기를 합시다. ^^ 
"While certainly a part of well-being, happiness alone doesn’t give life meaning. What is it that enables you to cultivate your talents, to build deep, lasting relationships with others, to feel pleasure, and to contribute meaningfully to the world? In a word, what is it that allows you to FLOURISH? " 
☞ 북소믈리에 한마디! ‘플로리시’는 불행한 사람을 행복한 사람으로, 또는 더 행복한 사람으로 변화시키기 위해 필요한 행복공학이다. 이 행복공학의 목표는 사람들이 자신의 능력을 총동원하여, 행복을 만개시키도록 돕는 것이다. 타인을 행복하게 해줄 수 있는 내면의 긍정적 정서와 강점특성을 개발하고 도와서 활짝 꽃 피우게 해주는 ‘플로리시’는 매일 조금 더 행복해질 수 있도록 안내한다. 
For more information please visit our homepage: Flourishing Seoul



Interested in Happiness, Wellbeing, Fulfillment, Self Improvement, Spirituality and what makes life worth living? Let's share our ideas and wisdom. Let's connect with interesting people and talk about what makes us happy. 
Interested in the science of Psychology, Meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, EFT or Popular Psychology/Self-help? Let's discuss theories or exchange opinions or try applying some findings together. 
Are you a spiritual person who is interested in alternative ways to heal yourself and your relationships or find meaning? (Louise Hay, Byron Katie, Brené Brown...) We can (critically) discuss books and assess our situation and create action steps to improve our condition. 
Want to understand yourself better, know your strengths and motives in life? Let's find out more about our limiting beliefs or identify strengths by taking character tests. 
Are you a counsellor/therapist/practitioner or do you have experience in these fields? You're welcome to give a presentation or talk and discuss or share your wisdom with other.


Cozy coffee talks, workshops, guest-speaking, outdoor activities - This group is open for anything and depends on the dynamic of its members. Open for suggestions. Let's have fun together, help each other, have interesting conversations, leave this meetup with fresh ideas and a smile. You don't have to be "happy" to join - but please be open-minded! ^^
TED talk: Martin Seligman (Founder of PP)