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What we’re about

**This event fills up quickly.


We play Games over a 90 minute period, we balance the teams as best we can once we have a minimum of 15 players confirmed.

7:30-9:00pm Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Some Sundays Mornings.

Locations and Venues will vary and will be sent out on the day via WhatsApp Group.

Parking will be dependant on the venue, so show up early.

Costs Between £8-12 per player per night (Location Dependent)

CANCELLATIONS: You must notify us by 2:00pm on Game day in order to get a refund.

Wear boots or turf shoes (sneakers are not acceptable), shin pads are recommended. We will supply bibs and balls.

There are NO REFEREES. You are expected to behave with honesty and good sportsmanship. No sliding tackles, aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated. Be a good team mate, enjoy the game, have fun and meet new friends.

We look forward to seeing you at the game.

Football5aside Team.

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