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Seeking Automated Trading System Developers

From: ck
Sent on: Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 6:53 PM
Dear friends,
I'm forwarding the below email to you on behalf of a dear friend who
is looking for a developer/trader.
If you have any of the mentioned experience (I'm sure there are at
least a few of you), please kindly contact Mike at the above email.
Warmest regards,
PS : Please do not reply to the mailing list.

From: Michael Ng <[address removed]>
Sent on: Wednesday, February 13,[masked]:15 PM

I'm looking for automated trading system developers.

If you have experience in:
MetaTrader, Tradestation, NinjaTrader, Flextrade, Bloomberg API
(TradeBook inclusive), Patsystems, etc..
C/C++(w Boost/STL libs), Python, Lisp, mql4/5, EasyLanguage,
NinjaScript, etc.. multi-threading, concurrency
FIX, TCP/IP, BGP, OSPF, other general exchange connectivity
Agile strategy development, tick data backtesting, forward stress testing
KDB+/Q, socket programming

Kindly give me a buzz and we'll take it from there.
A current performing portfolio would be ideal.

Michael Ng

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