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Want to be a TV star?

From: Eric M.
Sent on: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 8:13 PM

Hey all,
I received an email from a casting director for NBC and they will be holding an open casting call on December 1st, 2012 at the XSport Fitness, 819 South State St, Chicago. 10am - 4pm.
Here's the kicker: It is a Bear Grylls adventure reality series where teams of two will be dropped into remote wilderness location for fun and profit. 
You can see more at

Here's the bigger kicker: I have a limited number of "Special VIP Passes" that will get you past the audition line that I imagine is going to be crazy long. These are teams of two so talk with your partner and let me know ASAP with an email which includes your phone number.  
Love or hate the guy it sounds like a great adventure for those of you willing to see what you can push yourselves to.

They are looking for unique and layered opportunities in their teams, so if you think you got what it takes, hit me up.

Good Luck!
[address removed]