What we’re about
Franklin 55+ Friends is a group of women residing in the Franklin/Brentwood area who are 55+ years old and interested in developing sincere friendships with other women in the local area. All are welcome, whether single, divorced, married or widowed.
A variety of activities are scheduled by the members and may include Bunco, monthly lunch bunch, coffees, Canasta, Mah Jong, game nights, sewing groups, walk/talk, casual potlucks, happy hours, book club, movies, evening dining, day trips, theatre events and group volunteer opportunities. Activities are scheduled during the day and evenings.
Our group's objective is to establish a close-knit group of women who are interested in developing relationships that are caring, supportive and positive. At this time, membership is capped at 60 members and limited to residents of Williamson County.
To keep the group fully engaged and ensure a wide variety of activities, ALL MEMBERS HAVE HOSTING AND ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS. We are about relationships, not just acquaintances. To meet this goal, members need to be regularly involved. We usually have a waitlist and will contact you when an opening is available.
If our group interests you, please--
Click on the “Join” link,
Fully complete the profile questionnaire, and
Upload a recent photo.
Any requests for membership must include all information requested. Picture cannot be an avatars, pets, family, etc. Requests for memberships which do not include all requested information will not be considered for membership. This is an important element in protecting our members’ privacy.