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What we’re about

During the summer, we are meeting once a week for a free diving session at the Zurich lake, close to the Chinese Garden and the public electric barbecue station.
These are the feature:
-Short theoretical introduction, safety and pressure equalization.
-Warmup and breathing techniques.
-Free immersion dive at the 5 m rope.

The following equipment is beneficial:
-Diving mask (covers the nose) with snorkel. (can also be borrowed at the meetup event)
-Water shoes (slippery and rough stones!)

If available, the following items increase the fun:
- Neopren shorty (it gets cold in the lake)
- Air mattress / swimming ring to relax between the dives (airpump available at the event)

Fruits and sausages are welcomed for the after-water-barbecue-session.

Looking forward for a great diving session

At the event, basic diving exercises can be practiced. The participation is at own risk and participants need to be able to swim. It is recommended to dive in shallow water with intervisibility.

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